Galaxy Cruise
"Galaxy Cruise" is an immersive project run by the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ). This project utilizes the data from a large-scale survey program using Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC), the world's best wide-field imaging camera mounted on the Subaru Telescope. ​NAOJ's Subaru Telescope is conducting an observation project of unprecedented scale, allowing us to discover such interacting galaxies with much higher accuracy than ever before. Yet there is another problem.
The project enables young learners to get exclusive access to astronomy images, which are otherwise not accessible till the postgraduate level, and they get training in advanced data analysis and software as well as interact with international scientists, all of which builds up to an invaluable real-time research experience.
We hope that, while exploring the Universe captured by the Subaru Telescope and classifying the shapes of interacting galaxies, learners can unravel the mysteries of galaxies and generate new research results - which may be used by scholarly research.